Telegram users worldwide were met with unexpected service disruptions today as both the Telegram Desktop application and the smartphone app encountered connection issues. Users reported experiencing...
Telegram, like Snapchat and WhatsApp, has been working on a premium subscription plan for its users that includes unique stickers, personalised app icons, and more. Early...
After WhatsApp, Telegram is one of the most frequently used messaging apps on the planet. Telegram, like WhatsApp, has over a billion downloads, an achievement that...
Telegram, one of the most popular texting and chatting apps in the world, is apparently considering introducing a premium subscription for its users. It’s a trend...
Telegram is a popular app these days, and it is one of the world’s most commonly used instant messaging services, with its apps installed on millions...
Toncoin, the cryptocurrency based on Telegram’s abandoned blockchain project, can now be sent directly from chats within the messaging app (via Protocol). TON (The Open Network)...